Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Happy Heart

A happy heart starts with a smile
given freely it can travel for miles on end
across this globe spinning endlessly
depending upon gratitude from a receiver
who then sends another smile to another befriend.

A happy heart imparts profundity
tactfully when asked or necessarily tasked
to lovingly correct or protect one from 'taking a false step'
causing a receiver to introspect about decisions
important, to stop and reflect upon daily.

A happy heart never departs in adversity
loyally sticking to 'justice' and/or 'truth' exhibited profoundly
'shoulder-to-shoulder' found internationally
whether stooped or straight one's usual gait
emotionally elevating others to a helium-like state communally.

“Not making partial distinctions.”

“‘You must not be unjust in your judgment. You must not show partiality to the poor or show preference to the rich. With justice you should judge your fellow man." Lev. 19:15.

“Not hypocritical.”

Laid out on a road, beaten, to die
a Levite and priest just walked on by.
A Samaritan good, with heart, did try
to save this man
with money and a doctor in an inn to lie
comfortably until well. His generosity to fly
into hearts inspired to apply:

"‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’" Matt. 22:39.

For, "Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor". Rom. 13:10.

A happy heart is kind inclined everlastingly.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Soil crackled, dried
burnt to black
underneath layered debris of grief

after escalating leafy spins
of menopausal stalls
due from familial cocoons


twilight to darkening moons;
none, no more glowing stars or suns
once glistening reverential eyes

now plagued by memories of agitated skies
performed in an assortment of screened-off views; 

seeds growth


A Son not seen swift
sprouted no greenery
to glean.

No shadow to follow a solicitous breast.

But lo-and-behold... fought to spring
after fed nutrients,
roots tickle with life won

after dropped water diamonds
in drips-to-tips
tickling tongue

as a cavern dark
in chest-core


To live.

Bred. Spiritually.



Spiraling as a gift--
a whiff from polished rarefied pearls
crisp, true, superlatively
imbued with a fragrant oil

descended from on high
like luminous dew

with fragrance defogging/airing out 'bereft' 
from a cod-webbed fossilized-perception


Left... Gratitude.