Friday, April 27, 2018

Presumptousness vs. Modesty

Presumptousness vs Modesty ( contest: final draft)

Presumptuousness often wears a clown suit
performing impulsively as do children
needing to be contained/trained in class

not crass

to allow modesty in us to exist maturely
to persist securely
sound in manner pleasing and pleasant

around our globe

individual endeavors to wear
soothing airs


creates a paradisaic atmosphere
where everyone everywhere cares for another's mental stability.

Tranquility abounds
where modesty rebounds in a majority devoted to
'true peace and security'

pursuing goals for earth's good
and not for selfish consumption grabbing all

as if no others need
basic necessities due to
equal humans living daily comfortably

on a marvelous globe spinning

not as meteorites
crashing boundaries hazardously.

Some of you may agree
that pushing ahead incites fights

bickering about perceived
received wrongs inflicted

distracting in its shadowed to complete darkness
obscuring visuals necessary
to continue stretching to reach goals, heights
to benefit international brothers

clothing them warmly with generous coats of love
wherein they feel nothing of a coldness
from those who boldly shove aside
instilling dread in its fearsome chilling starkness.

We deal with them
with kid gloves.

Since presumptuousness
performs as 'clown'
sometimes called a 'fool'

a name

Where presumptuousness is found
dishonor abounds...

But where modesty lives
praise resounds!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

This Seed

This Seed

This seed
onto any soil

without sun

won't' produce;
its' lifeforce spoiled.

Yet, with sun

even under attack 
from birds hungry,
booted feet,

wheels rolling,

debris falling
almost smashing its' head

of being uprooted



given protection

in time
its' endurance

will permit its' growth
into glorious.

In other's sight
to their appreciative

A rose sweet.
Under universal noses.


Friday, April 20, 2018

A Dying Man's Wish

A Dying Man's Wish (contest: Watching A Loved One Die)

As each new sun loyally spins
on knees, you may kneel
or sometimes you stand
by their bed, feel within your hand
once fingers firm, now softly wrinkled
still grand

as lovingly entwined
by limbs yours, by mine
or just lying gently in one's palms 
as you stroke gently beloved skin
slowly growing cold
as their blood
runs tragically too thin 

as also, you try to keep sad tears within
while death intrudes

an enemy foe
to all who live
one second, one day
or until hundreds of years old.

Yet, still, you'll grieve
when any loved one reaches
their fatal end.

Mother, father, sister, brother,
in-laws, friends, or just someone who
you came to love
as family too

A tree
with many branches

your heart
as memories whirl

removed imperfections bad
as good qualities of theirs swirl
strung together as a precious necklace
of twigs, of pearls

still inside pained
emotions twirl
because of thoughts
of daily things done together
or survived through.

Now as you wait
for their last breath's intake

as you internally bleed
for the precious value of what they mean to you,

Remember Martha.

Faithful words to Jesus
she did make: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” John 11:24.

On this knowledge,
her life course, she did stake
speaking of a known earthly resurrection
after wickedness is laid to rest
yet years before mankind's final test.

Even Daniel who proved faithful true to God
who also of this resurrection knew
was lovingly told:

“But as for you,
go on to the end.

You will rest,

but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:13.

Back to earth to God forever praise
upon a land cleansed with animals that graze:
lions with lambs
and children at peace among them
with these wild beasts
to lead or laze!

For did not Jesus Christ himself say:
“I am the resurrection and the life.” 

"To Martha, he said: Your brother will rise.” John 11:21-25.

Even Job knew of a future
where a man's life he'll again comprise:
"If a man dies,
can he live again?

I will wait all the days of my compulsory service
Until my relief comes.

You will call, and I will answer you.

You will long for the work of your hands." Job 14:14, 15.

For Jah and Jesus
do death despise.

For indeed humanity's grave
induce eyes to produce rivers
and anger that inflames
wild thoughts to sting.

But life restored
makes global hearts joyous.

Eternal to sing
as those resurrected to heaven
will help
back to earth, billions to bring
as God has installed his resurrected son, Christ
as our heavenly King.

"Do not be amazed at this,

for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". John 5:28, 29.

as Jesus once said to Martha:
"The one who exercises faith in me,
even though he dies,
will come to life;
and everyone who is living
and exercises faith in me
will never die at all.

Do you believe this?” John 11:25, 26.

is not fantasy.
Nor merely:

A Dying Man's Wish.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

[ Loving-kindness exists ]

Loving-kindness exists
in His bestowing this:

Not needing to believe
expressions egoistically verbose
or in true wisdom expressed.

In intense fatherly love conceived:

An altruistic benevolent gift
in supreme generosity

luxuriously upon humanity
handsomely bestowed--

In wisdom daily to use

a prudent goal.

Not to permit a foolhardiness
found in many a youthful or cliquish group

to your personal endowment
this wealthy inheritance
in disloyalty abuse

or in ignorance squander.

Stop. Think. Question.
Before each action Pray.

This delay to wisely ponder decisions
may a disastrous choice involving you
and even your loved ones


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The scale

The Scale

"By this all will know that you are my disciples—ifyou have love among yourselves." John 13:35.... The scale divine.

in details.

Just what do you see
from Jesus' here prophecy?

"By this"... what?... Love
in international display.

More love
He commanded his disciples that day
after washing their feet

then sending Judas

Yes, "all will know" who Christ's followers are

Love is exhibited impartially to brothers near and far.

If denoting a necessity to persist
despite a prevailing attitude of 'me-first'
that insists:

Prioritize my desires before anyone else's.

an idol

on a majorities' internal alter--

an elevated

For who of us, a life permanent can save?

Who, above Jah and Christ, a perfect ransom gave?

No, we cannot slave for ourselves
and Jah Jehovah too.

For exists these two
of the most important commandments
over our lives to everlastingly rule:

“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

This is the greatest and first commandment.

The second, like it, is this:

‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’" Matt. 22:37-39.

With these two laws in heart and mind
should we not attach ourselves with those kind-hearted ones
modeling an unfashionable type love:

"Clothe yourselves with love,

for it is a perfect bond of union"? Col.3:14.


"There is neither Jew nor Greek,

there is neither slave nor freeman,

there is neither male nor female,

for you are all one
in union with Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:28. He
to His disciples earnestly said

before He
His precious blood

for obedient mankind shed.

Love Is Always the Answer

given for abstaining from wars promoted
for various reasons.

Despite this hatred seen
as a darkness staining hearts
as the now fashionable height
of an international season.


'Jehovah of Armies'
defend our lives
by means of King Christ--

'Prince of Peace'.

Not be as Satan and Judas--

A platform for treason.