Friday, March 23, 2018

Sweeter Than

Sweeter Than

"At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened,
And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.
At that time the lame will leap like the deer,
And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy.
For waters will burst forth in the wilderness,
And streams in the desert plain.
The heat-parched ground will become a reedy pool,
And the thirsty ground springs of water.
In the lairs where jackals rested,
There will be green grass and reeds and papyrus."


If I

spoke truth
a hundred million times,

words which flew ahead of varied minds

with results achieved

as keen-sighted eagles receive
gliding quickly to exact points
to retrieve

then why today
do you accuse me of lying

when speech divine



of an intelligence
supremely above

the earth's most elevated thoughts
conspiring together

to manipulate/

what ought
their capabilities lack

taught not?

Do cycles of rain deceive

to heavens

then pouring into seas?

How about those balmy breezes

which please?

What imperfect force
did create these?

So, take a mental walk with me.

Step into a grandiose future
that the wise will forever see.

after this world's tragedies

are completely erased

this earth
will be replete

with sweetness
more refined

than the honeycombs of bees.

With happiness

true hearts
to exquisitely and indefinitely

With love

of each other
and life endless.

above all else:

Love of our Creator
and His Son.

with angelic brothers
won back to The Father's
Original Purpose

after a Grand Victory:

The End of Wickedness!

A Return to Righteousness


God's Word

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"Keep Yourselves In God's Love"

'Keep Yourselves In God's Love' (contest: The Book of Jude)

"Beloved ones, . . .

Keep yourselves in God’s love,. . .
with everlasting life in view.”

"May mercy and peace and love"
also "be increased to you."


Jude exhorted 'anointed Christians'
and by extension Christ's faithful 'other sheep'
to mimic Enoch's life course of faithfulness,
recorded as a standard
for true believers to keep

studying to remain resilient
as the desert camel who
does ruminate in his chew of the cud.


meditation after regurgitation

spiritual food.

Life-preserving nutrients
generously supplied

as we stew on these stalwart examples
gleaned from excerpts extracted
from their faithful dedicated lives.

Those who through
adverse judgments

did under God's wing thankfully survive
turbulent worlds designed by Satan and his demons.

Yes, God, in his loving wisdom,
did even Enoch mercifully hide.

Since, in the manner of Sodom and Gomorrah,
among smothering atmospheric iniquities
we sadly abide;

still, we must walk on in faith
hoping those with doubts may change their ways
as we approach swiftly the finality
of the prophetic wicked days.


“In the last time there will be ridiculers,
following their own desires for ungodly things.”
But we must continue showing mercy to others,
doing so with healthy fear,

"while hating the garment
that has been stained by the flesh."

To righteousness
God and Christ will help us
everlastingly to adhere.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Be It So!

A wind blows

where it wants to go.

Gentle or strong,

you do not know
when or where
it will of itself show.

Its' direction

its' flow rearranges
like trends of men

or long ago.

Yet, there is One
who many do not acknowledge;

on whom
does not bestow.

Although, He created children
and plants in maturity to grow.

Sun, moon, and stars in our skies
to constantly glow.

Still, they give His Glory
to any and all

He and His Son--

A Righteous King
riding. His anger aglow
against enemies of his Father
The Almighty

Who says:
“For I am Jehovah; I do not change." Mal. 3:6.

For, "Every good gift
and every perfect present
is from above,

coming down from the Father of the celestial lights,

who does not vary
or change

like the shifting shadows." James 1:17.

His standards of righteousness
in the coming New Earth

after a complete elimination
of wickedness and stubborn foes

will permeate modest hearts
who allowed his guidance
to increase their inner peace

like lambs on a mountainside
with green grass on which to nibble.

Their daily hunger fed.

On sweet principles
eternally to chew
as grown hay for nourishment
after farmers do ardently mow.

Yes..."In his days the righteous will flourish,
And peace will abound until the moon is no more.

He will have subjects from sea to sea
And from the River to the ends of the earth.

The desert dwellers will bow down before him,
And his enemies will lick the dust."

"For he will rescue the poor who cry for help,
Also the lowly one and whoever has no helper.

He will have pity on the lowly and the poor,
And the lives of the poor he will save.
From oppression and from violence he will rescue them,

And their blood will be precious in his eyes."

On this, we can trust.

"There will be an abundance of grain on the earth;
On the top of the mountains it will overflow.

His fruit will flourish as in LebĘša·non,

And in the cities people will blossom like the vegetation of the earth."

"May his name endure forever,
And may it prosper as long as the sun.

May people obtain a blessing for themselves by means of him;

May all nations pronounce him happy." Ps. 72.

"This means everlasting life,

their coming to know you,
the only true God,
and the one whom you sent,
Jesus Christ." John 17:3.

But to those who "love the front seats in the synagogues and the greetings in the marketplaces!"...

It means... Woe!


"Honor the son,

or God will become indignant
and you will perish from the way,

For His anger flares up quickly.

are all those

Taking Refuge In Him." Psalm 2:12.

For prophesied:

‘I will certainly sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the nations, which you profaned among them; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘when I am sanctified among you before their eyes." Ezekiel 36:23.