Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Intimate Friends

Intimate Friends
by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)
Sat still;

intently watched

did not scurry away
at the march of the ants
at ardent work,

not superfluous play.

So many species
delighted by their service

plants, butterflies,
insects and more.

I sit still

watch in my yard
where a gentle breeze
brought me outdoors to these

Ants in motion constant,

Acacia trees
in friendship
ants keep

to destroy
threatening choking vines

as they patrol the grounds
of generously provided
hollowed home of thorns

rewarded by sweet nectar
divine. This union one blessed


Aphids too
love their companionship

delicious honeydew

attached to ant antennas
aroused by a gentle stroking.

What appreciation,
what devotion

as ants nightly carry away aphids
then return them in daylight's rising
only to leaves
younger, more nourishing

saving older leaves to flourish another day.

What wisdom

to humans display!

Too, the large blue butterflies, the red ants befriends

as caterpillars
in awkward stages
time to begin.

Before beautiful bodies do fly
ants to them do tend;
their reward: sugary excretions--
Not minimal. Not thin.

Emerging from chrysalis,
gently they fly

lovely flutterings
to please our wondrous eyes
in uplifted gaze
to the yellow sun

puffy clouds amid tranquil skies

as ant's nests
stay unharmed;
safe in gratitude

as mankind's
marvelous examples.

The Ant
created by means
of the Creator's holy spirit.
His magnificent and loving

Spiritual Arms.

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