Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The scale

The Scale

"By this all will know that you are my disciples—ifyou have love among yourselves." John 13:35.... The scale divine.

in details.

Just what do you see
from Jesus' here prophecy?

"By this"... what?... Love
in international display.

More love
He commanded his disciples that day
after washing their feet

then sending Judas

Yes, "all will know" who Christ's followers are

Love is exhibited impartially to brothers near and far.

If denoting a necessity to persist
despite a prevailing attitude of 'me-first'
that insists:

Prioritize my desires before anyone else's.

an idol

on a majorities' internal alter--

an elevated

For who of us, a life permanent can save?

Who, above Jah and Christ, a perfect ransom gave?

No, we cannot slave for ourselves
and Jah Jehovah too.

For exists these two
of the most important commandments
over our lives to everlastingly rule:

“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

This is the greatest and first commandment.

The second, like it, is this:

‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’" Matt. 22:37-39.

With these two laws in heart and mind
should we not attach ourselves with those kind-hearted ones
modeling an unfashionable type love:

"Clothe yourselves with love,

for it is a perfect bond of union"? Col.3:14.


"There is neither Jew nor Greek,

there is neither slave nor freeman,

there is neither male nor female,

for you are all one
in union with Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:28. He
to His disciples earnestly said

before He
His precious blood

for obedient mankind shed.

Love Is Always the Answer

given for abstaining from wars promoted
for various reasons.

Despite this hatred seen
as a darkness staining hearts
as the now fashionable height
of an international season.


'Jehovah of Armies'
defend our lives
by means of King Christ--

'Prince of Peace'.

Not be as Satan and Judas--

A platform for treason.

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