Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"Keep Yourselves In God's Love"

'Keep Yourselves In God's Love' (contest: The Book of Jude)

"Beloved ones, . . .

Keep yourselves in God’s love,. . .
with everlasting life in view.”

"May mercy and peace and love"
also "be increased to you."


Jude exhorted 'anointed Christians'
and by extension Christ's faithful 'other sheep'
to mimic Enoch's life course of faithfulness,
recorded as a standard
for true believers to keep

studying to remain resilient
as the desert camel who
does ruminate in his chew of the cud.


meditation after regurgitation

spiritual food.

Life-preserving nutrients
generously supplied

as we stew on these stalwart examples
gleaned from excerpts extracted
from their faithful dedicated lives.

Those who through
adverse judgments

did under God's wing thankfully survive
turbulent worlds designed by Satan and his demons.

Yes, God, in his loving wisdom,
did even Enoch mercifully hide.

Since, in the manner of Sodom and Gomorrah,
among smothering atmospheric iniquities
we sadly abide;

still, we must walk on in faith
hoping those with doubts may change their ways
as we approach swiftly the finality
of the prophetic wicked days.


“In the last time there will be ridiculers,
following their own desires for ungodly things.”
But we must continue showing mercy to others,
doing so with healthy fear,

"while hating the garment
that has been stained by the flesh."

To righteousness
God and Christ will help us
everlastingly to adhere.

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