Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Are We There Yet?"

"Are We There yet?" ... Ah! Those famous words chanted as children to our parents, as they drove us to their/our planned dream distinction ... Disney World, the Grand Canyon, or some other promised pleasure. Our parents told us in advance, perhaps during the school year, so that we would keep our grades up, act better, .... you know, just keep us in line. 

But did they provide us with all the details right off the bat?

No. They wanted us to focus on the work at hand. And true, they often reminded us of this trip with tidbits to heighten our expectations, as the time drew near.

Finally. The time for the trip arrived. Yet, remember it is a driving vacation. In the car, on the road is where our nagging really begins. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

Had our loving parents anticipated this? Of course! They provided various games, prepared activities to divert our attention, our minds from the duration of the travel as we still anticipated our destination.

This is us today. Have we not prayed for God's Kingdom to come; His will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven, for centuries?--Matt. 6:9, 10. We had not even fully understood the meaning of that prayer. But over time, our loving heavenly Father has provided details.

Now that the promised fulfillment of that prayer is upon us, wouldn't you like to know what that means for our earth?

The following article entitled: The End of Suffering will explain the Bible's promise.

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