Friday, August 17, 2018

Hope Is the Thing With Feathers

Hope Is the Thing With Feathers

Hope is the thing with feathers.
To the utmost heights it can fly.
As an eagle with piercing vision
glides up or across
both cloudy or cloudless skies.

Hope is the thing with feathers.
Into darkness it soars
exiting with a lightness
causing others to explore.

Hope is the thing with feathers.
It spreads wide its wings
With birds of heaven of every type
it sings gloriously of heavenly things.

Hope is the thing with feathers.
Brings peace to one's mind.
For when hope is accomplished
It's prompt. Right on time.


"a hope of the everlasting life that God,
who cannot lie,

promised long ago"

is sure. Titus 1:2.

As "the last enemy, death,
is to be brought to nothing." 1 Cor. 15:26. 

He thus

"For the hour is coming in which all those in
the memorial tombs will hear his voice

and come out," 

stilling grief concealed within.

Those holding this hope
are happy this to know.

Because of Jesus' resurrecting others

of this
they have no doubt. John 5:28, 29.

Yes, Jesus said:
“I am the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25.

His perfect body sacrificed
paying a precious price.

Because, "through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.”​ Rom. 15:4.

Perusing its pages through our gloom
we're able to cope.


"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul,
both sure and firm". Heb. 6:19.

Christ's death and ascension to his father
this does confirm.

Hope is the thing with feathers.
Rooted in faith, 

its sight focused on the Godly unseen.

Hope is the thing with feathers.

Causing both heart and eyes
to truly


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