Friday, July 18, 2014

Does The Creator Really Care About Us Individually?

Have you ever wondered if God's Really cares about you as an individual...Well,... let's look at a sampling of the various measures that are used to reach the hearts of people in different areas who want to know what the Bible Really Says about our future.  Hope you will enjoy the short clips!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Does God Care About How We Treat Our Bodies?

Health. It's on everyone's--the young and the old's--mind. And are there not always updates to what is considered healthy today? ... It seems that has always been the case.  However, does there exist an authority on the matter?  Does our Creator care about how we treat our bodies? 

The following article may be of interest to you:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Good Manners Are Always In Fashion

Good manners....are they necessary?

"Look! I Am Making All Things New"

Do you desire good health and a long life for yourself and your family? Do you long to live in a world where pain, suffering, and death will be things of the past? Such a world is not a figment of the imagination. On the contrary, a righteous new world will soon be a reality, for Jehovah God has purposed it. Note how the fulfillment of his purpose is described in the Bible at Revelation 21:3,4 in the following article:

I know you will enjoy reading/rereading that God's purpose regarding our earth will be accomplished soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Will The Dead Really Live Again on Earth?

Do you believe in the Bible’s promise of a resurrection? The prospect of being reunited with our loved ones who have died is appealing, to say the least. But is it realistic to nourish such a hope? To help answer that, we do well to consider the example of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Click the link below and examine for yourself what Hope the Bible holds out for our loved ones.